Jennifer Waldron

Jennifer Waldron also coaches and runs training courses on public speaking, advocacy, argumentation, debating techniques, managing objections, media training and conducting meetings. She also prepares for assessments and interviews.

She has a law degree from the Faculté de droit de Paris II (summa cum laude) and from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (magna cum laude), as well as a postgraduate diploma in communications and media (FUCAM-Belgium). She has taken a cross-examination course at Cambridge University.

She has won numerous awards, including the 1st Prix de la Francophonie (an international prize for advocacy and improvisation organised by lawyers from all French-speaking countries) and the Prix Lejeune (1st prize for advocacy at the Brussels Bar).

Jennifer joined the association in 2015 after many years as a senior associate at the law firm Liedekerke in Brussels.

Professional activities

  • Admitted to the Brussels Bar in 1977.
  • Coach and trainer in public speaking, argumentation, managing objections, debates and arguments.”Speechwriter for politicians.
  • Member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal des Tribunaux, 1985 – 1998.
  • Creation of the Communication Institute of the Brussels Bar.

Academic career

  • Cross examination training (Cambridge University).
  • Specialisation: Communication and media (FUCAM-Belgium).
  • Law degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (magna cum laude) (1976).
  • Law degree from the Faculté de droit de Paris II (summa cum laude) (1974).

Career path

  • Senior associate at the law firm Liedekerke . Wolters . Waelbroeck . Kirkpatrick in Brussels for many years.


  • Prix Lejeune (1st prize for advocacy at the Brussels Bar)
  • 1st Prix de la Francophonie (international prize for advocacy and improvisation organised by lawyers from all French-speaking countries)

Seminars and Conferences

  • Speaker at the colloquium on pleading organised by the ULB Centre for Legal Philosophy.
  • Lecturer and seminar leader in public speaking, negotiation, argumentation, debating and objection management for lawyers, professional associations (notaries, chartered accountants and company auditors, architects, doctors), softskills trainer at Solvay Business School.
  • Conference speaker and seminar leader in public speaking, argumentation and debate for politicians, as well as media training, crisis communication and argumentation.
  • Speaker at conferences and mediation training courses organised by the Chambers of Commerce.
  • Speaker at the Olivaint Conference and member of the jury for the Olivaint Conference eloquence competitions.

Sybarius provides support for economic players (multinationals, SMEs, business owners and public entities), located in Belgium and abroad, at all stages of development of their activities.